Alone in my mind

Alone in my mind
The Lone mangrove
Alone in my mind.
In a room full of people.
Wondering about the way I think
and why I think.
The paraphernalia of my thoughts.
Dear thoughts , you are,
truthful , blatant,
colorful and vibrant.
But, doesn’t matter to none,
as you are just mine.
Is it my memories or,
is it my madness?
Is it my genes or ,
is it my genesis?
The way I think is so crude.
My Morality , my pretense,
and all I do is pretend.
Alone in my mind.
In a room full of people.
All I do is pretend.
Scared all my life.
Scared to my death.
Scared by my death.
All I see is darkness,
around the corner.
Can’t depend on false hopes.
Can’t depend on cryo.
Can’t depend on a clone.
My thoughts will fade away,
as my neurons die away.
Don’t want to go away,
in the natural way.
All I need is a flip.
On a flip of a switch,
on a flip of a gene,
regenerate, regenerate,
my little ones, don’t ever stop.
Need to keep my thoughts alive,
I have to be alive,
it is all I do as a human.
Think , think and think.
Alone in my mind.
In a room full of people.

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